Kiss her like she’s the only woman that exists. She is.
Kiss her with your fist full of her hair, pull her in in tight. She loves that.
Kiss her with your eyes locked in hers. You'll own the moment.
Kiss her until things around you blur away. They don't matter.
Kiss her so you take her breath away. Literally, make her brain turn off.
Lift her off her feet when you kiss her, even if only a little. She'll feel like a Princess and love you for it.
Kiss her like the world is about to end in an explosion around you. Life is uncertain, it might be about to end.
Kiss her with hunger, anger, passion, possession, rage even but make her feel that energy pouring from you. Just do it.
Kiss her so a passerby reaches for their phone to call the police.
Keep kissing her when they arrive. Just. Fucking. Ignore. Them.
Crush her lips, claim her lips as yours. She wants you to TAKE them.
And don’t just curl her toes, cramp her toes! Make sure she remembers ‘That Kiss’ when you put your arm around her and walk away from that place.
Just before you walk away together, kiss her forehead and tell her She's Sweetheart you loves truly. Let her melt into your chest when you do.
When you kiss her
"Mean It."
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