Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Your Soul For A Kiss!

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Staring intently into her eyes feeling the power of the draw of that first kiss, he slowly break away and move closer to her ear with his lips. “I am going to take your soul”, he whispered. Feeling his breath on her neck as a tingle ran down her spine, she replied “How can you do that?” His response was, “Simply with a kiss.” She stood there looking at him in total disbelief knowing it was true and wanting it to happen. But in an act of bold defiance she said, “You cannot do that, that is impossible” and laughed.

"Once we kiss I will draw you in and you will have no choice to but to accept."

"But how do you even know where my soul lives?"

"Oh, I know where it lives, I have been there before, it lives in the delicate space behind your heart and my kiss will call its name."

With that simple but truthful statement a gust of wind came out of the sky and encircled them in its arms. Together they stood there catching their breath; she staggered a little and fell into his chest. He grabbed her and pulled her close when she whispered in his ear, “Take what you want, as it’s already been yours for years.”

With that said they started to kiss. Painfully slow the pull of attraction being drawn together without turning back but she teased him and pulled away with a smile and a little laugh. Then he placed one hand gently on her face the other in her hair, their lips drew together like magnets and hearts pounding together as one. Their slightly parted lips touching and opening to feel the full wetness of mouths as weakness and desire came over them, she could feel him growing against her hip. But they agreed nothing more would happen, other than this kiss.

Lips locked together perfectly, tongues moving in unison, exploring and finding bliss. A wave of dizziness came over her and she let out a tiny moan which made him kiss her even harder. Breaking away she took her tongue and traced his lips imparting a gentle kiss and playfully biting his lower lip. Returning to fully embracing his mouth they kissed for hours that day, loving every sound and every touch.

Feeling the high, the joy and the desire they looked around to make sure they were still alone, still drawn by the energy that bound them together. Safely resting in his arms, looking into his eyes, he whispered, “How does it feel to have traded your soul for a kiss?”

Monday, September 8, 2014

Letting Go - A Story

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He walked past her again. It almost felt like he was walking through her. She cried out to him, begged him to stop, but this was going to be another day of the silent treatment.

He slammed the door and headed to work. She stood at the window, watching him back away down the driveway in his new truck. He refused to talk to her about the purchase; he just showed up one day several weeks ago, the dealer sticker still in the window.

He hadn't spoken to her in over a month.

She looked out at the neighbourhood. It had gotten to be fall without her even realizing that the weather had cooled. Leaves gathered in silent blankets, warming the earth.

She felt a chill, and went back to bed.

She'd been sleeping more, lately. It was unusual for her, but she'd somehow slipped into a deeper darkness than she'd ever experienced. She'd been depressed before, but this was different; black days didn't begin to describe it. She'd sleep, she'd awaken. He'd ignore her as they watched television, when she actually joined him downstairs.

Most nights, he'd fall asleep on the couch, a highball glass with remnants of an ice cube giving testimony to how he'd spent another one of his evenings. The empty Whiskey bottles were lined up in a windowsill.

The ghostly green was absurdly beautiful in the setting sun.

One night, seized with a frustration that words wouldn't cure, she grabbed one of those empties and flung it at the wall.

Finally, he looked in her direction, eyes bleary, a gasp on his lips and a trembling tumbler in his hand.

A Rorschach of whiskey stains colored the off white sheetrock. Little divots formed where the bottle struck and shattered; verdant shards rained to the hardwood. A glass garden bloomed on the kitchen floor.

She didn't speak, but wailed tears of sorrow, anger, and sadness.

She was angry at mourning the loss of them; she was angrier at his apparent lack of concern for their love slipping away.

He just looked at that Rorschach on the wall. A study of himself, painted in single malt.

She went back upstairs, crying herself to sleep.

Winter came, and nothing improved between them. He started missing work some days, and those bottles began to line the floor beneath the window.

She refused to clean up after him.

She sat down in the chair opposite the couch one day when he slept past his alarm. She reached out to turn off the television, but it smoked and smouldered under her fingertips, and it died on its own. She snatched her hand back, expecting a shock, but she felt nothing. Where it had been blasting on about some winter storm on the Weather Channel, now there was only silence and the smell of ozone.

She just sighed.

One more thing gone wrong.

She tried to wake him, but he wouldn't stir.

She couldn't remember the last time he'd slept in the bed with her. His only trips upstairs were to dress, and even those stopped when he moved everything he needed into the guestroom.

She was a heavy sleeper, and the depression she'd slunk into forced her to stay in bed most days.

"We need help." She said, hoping he'd engage her.

He just rolled over, curled away from her, shivered, and continued to sleep on the couch.

"I'm going to leave if we don't try to fix this."

Nothing. He reached for his blanket on the back of the couch, still sleeping.

She knew it was a lie. Despite all this darkness, she loved him still.

Time was a slippery thing to her in her depressions.

When the snow began to melt, the man from the bank came. She refused to open the door, but looked out the peephole at him. He left an orange flyer above the knocker.

She went back to sleep, and the tears took away the worry.

She awakened to the ear-splitting noise of reversing alarms on a truck.

A U-Haul sat in the front yard, but she was too tired, too sad, to care anymore.

She slept again.

When she awakened, everything in the house outside of her bedroom was gone. Echoes greeted her creaking steps down the stairs, and she cried out in fear, in shock, and in such incredible, aching remorse that she felt her heart shatter just as a windowpane above the kitchen sink did.

He'd left her bedroom, and moved out around her.

She collapsed in the living room in a heap, wails filling the air and blackness colouring her world.

She felt like she was being torn apart.

Sleep disappeared, and dreams were replaced with the sound of Latin being spoken downstairs.


It echoed throughout the emptiness of the house below her. Inside, she ached.

Physical pain tore through her, and she screamed, despite trying to listen.

The Latin stopped, and the clinching in her gut relaxed.

She stumbled to the stairway, and looked down into the living room.

Strangers gathered, surrounding a priest.

He looked at her.

At her. He smiled.

It was the first real contact she'd had since...

And memory flooded her.

Images of she and her husband.

He was driving, she was holding his hand.

They were just going to the store; a beautifully mundane ritual.

He said something and she laughed.

And then it happened.

The priest spoke to her.

"Hello, Mukti."

She didn't reply.

"These are the Birlas. They own this house now. They asked me to bless it before they move your bedroom out, and they move their family in."

"Mine," she managed to croak, tears flowing.

She noticed the couple cringe, and the man, Mr.Birla presumed, shivered. They were young; they reminded of her of how she and her husband looked back when.

"GET OUT!" she managed to yell, voice cracking through tears.

The young woman began to cry.

The priest just continued to smile, and he took a step closer.

"Mukti. You need to go Home. You need to let go of this place."

The Latin resumed, and the last thing she heard:

"Go with God, Mukti."


And she let go.

The house disappeared from around her, and sadness was a distant whisper.

A tractor trailer blew through the red light.

It hit the passenger side of the car at somewhere around fifty miles an hour.

As the noise died away, so did she.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Love So True (Poetry)

After we will die, I will meet you again in the sky.

Hello my old friend,
Lets rewind our love so true.
The moments we shared in the past,
A never changing view.

Days go by months, turn into years,
I am living with constant sorrow and overwhelming fears.
Suffocation starts as the air gets heavy,
Crying and in constant sorrow screaming "I want my baby!"

But you're no where to be found,
Then your whatsapp shows online and my world slows down.
When we touch I have emotions and feelings unexpressed,
Making me happy making my obstacles in life rest.

These last few years have captivated my life,
Growing old with you and thinking about you as my wife.
I have now found my reason for living and a love come true,
Knowing that nothing in this world will ever rank above you.

I look to the night sky at the stars and moon,
Hoping you see the beauty I see and we will gaze together soon.
Wishing you were here to caress and to hold,
Hoping to make your every wish and dream unfold.

I am guaranteeing you total allegiance and fidelity,
Along with forever warm and embracing arms of security.
We make magic and passion of romance with ease,
I am saying it over and again baby please please please.

Give me a life of happiness and loyalty,
Grow old and make a family with me.
Giving them the tools to happiness like ours,
While keeping our love so it never sours.

I'm never going to pick up the pieces again,
I'll be lost and won't know where to begin.
Don't ever leave me girl,
I need you in this world.

I get your name inked on my hand and it ain't a sin,
Thinking of you, I get anxious and my head starts to spin.
Waiting to talk to you on the other line,
Hearing your voice and hoping to find.

That you're peaceful and supportive,
And later on in life my goal is for you to be rewarded.
I will be yours for all eternity,
I'll be your powerful Prince of Divinity.

I wanna take time out to tell you.
I appreciate you loving me the way that you do.
Baby I wanted to say thank you,
For A Everlasting Love Come True.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Secret Sorrows - He Taught Us A Truth

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People die of depression all the time. We don’t call it what it is, we call it suicide, but what it really is the terminal stage of depression. Now, not everyone with depression gets to this stage. But for a lot of people who are long term depressives, there’s always that fear.

Then someone SO big, and famous, and FUNNY goes and dies this way. It’s very scary. People don’t understand at ALL. “He had everything! Wealth, fame, the love of family and friends and the admiration of millions of fans! WHY?”

Well, I don’t know about him, but I know about me. I don’t have the wealth and fame, but I’m considered to be kind of funny by people who know me. I don’t look or act depressed. I smile a lot, laugh, and so on. But still there have been times in my life where I have had that passing thought: everyone would be better off if I was gone, and then I’d no longer be a bother to them. Maybe he heard something like that. It can be a very compelling thought, believe it or not.

The love I have for my closed ones has kept me from listening, has allowed me to know that idea is a lie. But when something so glaringly public happens, it reminds me and it scares the hell out of me. I work SO HARD to try to do everything I can to keep level. Most of the time, I’m just fine, I’m really well controlled.

I’ll draw a parallel here. When someone has diabetes, they can do everything right, take their medicine, eat right and exercise, and do all the things that are supposed to keep their condition under control. Then one day, they have a serious blood sugar spike or severe attack of hypoglycemia. That is what THIS is like.

You can have these “small” relapses, a few weeks out of years of good control. But for someone with depression, these relapses can be fatal. So any time one happens, it can be very frightening. Admitting it to anyone is even worrisome, because depression is so misunderstood.

If you know someone with depression, they may be quite upset by the death of Robin Williams. If you love that person, reach out to them, and if they are afraid, comfort them. You don’t have to understand, just be present.

P.S. If you're reading this, reach out to people you know who are in this stage of depression.  If we are not ashamed to have heart disease, why should mental illness still carry a stigma here in the 21st century? It discourages people from seeking appropriate treatment.

And if you're one like me, let me tell you brother, the people around you will never be the same if you're gone from this world. Suicide is a permanent solution to a usually temporary problem.

It just occurred to me that out of all the comedians Robin is the one I most relate to. I look at his comedy and his acting as two different things that he did but each come from the same place. God bless him for fighting as long as he did and giving us so much of himself over the years.

Battling depression can easily go unnoticed sometimes and we end up failing the people who need us the most by abandoning them at their time of need.

The only problem with depression is the only people who understand it are the ones who HAVE it. We support society, we need to support people.

For all of you reading this who have depression - you are NOT ALONE. Just reach out and one of the many of us here will make a connection with you. Live second by second, minute by minute if you have to. Big hugs to you.

"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone." - Robin Williams

Rest in Power Robin Williams

Thursday, July 31, 2014

For When You Think Nobody Will Love You - Real Time Story of A Girl

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This story resonated with real life. This is something I seen someone went through. Loving yourself is a process, you will have good days and you will have bad days, days where you are proud of who you are and days when you are less than your best. And those people who seem to have everything together fall apart once in a while. We are all doing the best we can and that's all anyone can ask for.

When we want to entrap others in our web of love, we trap ourselves. Our own desire begins to be more important than our partners' desires, and we develop desperate attachments. And when such attachment is broken, it hurts and the process of healing isn't that easy that it is written in the books.

You can never quite remember the actual moments when someone says that they love you for the first time. You wait for it so long, practice how you will respond, prevent yourself from saying it before them (you wouldn’t want to look desperate), and then it happens, and it’s like you go temporarily deaf. There is a ringing, like a TV show that has cut off to go to an emergency announcement. This is an emergency announcement. And you can’t even hear it. It’s almost like your brain doesn’t want to process these words, because then you’d have to acknowledge them, and not just in your imagination.

Besides, everyone who has ever said that to you before has left, so you might as well not even listen.“I love you” will mean nights staying up while you text each other all the night, wondering why they haven’t left you already, wondering when they will.  It means having to take the risk that, as has happened so many times before, you will be disappointed. You will be proven wrong. You will live the reality of that fear you always have, the fear where they wake up one day and look in the mirror and say “What was I doing here? I could do so, so much better than this." And in some cases, it also means having to be naked with them with the lights all the way up, stinging every dimpled plane of your body with unforgiving clarity.

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So you have chosen aloneness. You have chosen the security and the relative freedom of solitude, because there is no risk involved. You can stay up every night and watch your TV shows and eat ice cream out of the box and scroll through your Facebook and never let your brain sit still, not even for a moment. You can fill your days up with books and coffees and trips to the store where you forget what you wanted the second you walk in the automatic sliding door. You can do so many little, pointless things throughout the day that all you can think of is how badly you want to sleep, how heavy your whole body is, how much your feet hurt. You can wear yourself out again and again on the pavement, and you do, and it feels good.

Sometimes, you think that no one has ever loved you. You have almost flippantly doubted it, even when someone was saying it to you. Even if they are saying it to you today. Because, though you wouldn’t like to admit it, you’re not terribly sure that you love yourself. You reject all of the simpering notions in beauty magazines and you learn to say nice things about yourself when you look in the mirror. If someone asked, you could provide an objective list of your qualities. But you’re not sure that “loving yourself” is something you ever really learned how to do. Sometimes, you wonder if everyone is faking it, even the people who seem to have it all down to a science.

Because you’ve never looked at yourself and felt blown away by the privilege of being in your own body, of having your own mind, of living your own life. You’ve never felt that thrilling infatuation, that deep connection. Not about yourself. And maybe someone else did, but every time they told you that they loved you, it was as though the words had gone through several translating programs before they came back to your ears. You kind of knew what they were trying to say, but it was an expression whose meaning you didn’t really recognize. They said, “I love you,” and you said “You too.”

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You think that no one ever will, because how could they? No one will ever bridge that gap and point to your stomach or your hair or your eyes in the mirror and magically make you see the wonderful things about getting to be next to you. And maybe that’s it, after all, this fear that no one will ever truly feel about you the way you want to be felt about. Maybe what you want is someone to make you love yourself, to put sense into all that positive rhetoric, to make it so the aloneness of TV and blasting music in your ears at all times isn’t the most happy place you can think of. Maybe you want someone who makes you so sure of how wonderful things are that you cannot help but to tell them your feelings first.
Because you will know that, when you’re telling them you love them, what you’re really saying is “I love who I become when I am with you.”

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Don't take it for granted.

Just something on my mind today, when you are in a relationship. Never lose sight of the things your partner does for you.

If you have been together 20 years and he has gotten you coffee every morning don't take that for granted as just something he does. There is effort that goes into that.

If she kisses you every night when she gets into bed, even if you are asleep there is thought behind such an action.

If your partner picks you up little special snacks at the store it means you are in their thoughts.

The moment you start chalking these little things up as normal behavior you start taking them for granted and they become meaningless.

And believing these things to be meaningless normal behavior can only hurt your partner, yourself, and your relationship.

Be mindful that there is meaning and effort involved in those actions.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

She's just not into you!

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Bad Girls are actually bad.

All these years I'd been complaining about girls and their mixed messages; now I saw they weren't mixed messages at all. I was the one that was mixed up.

You deserve to be with someone who is nice to you all the time.

Don't be flattered that she misses you. She should miss you. You're deeply missable. However, she's still the same person who just broke up with you. Remember, the only reason she can miss you is because she's choosing, every day, not to be with you.

Just remember that the person you are getting back together with is the same person who, not long before, looked you in your face(there are some who dont even do this), took full stock of you and all your qualities, and told you that she was no longer in need of your company.

She's not really saying she doesn't want to get married. She's saying she doesn't want to get married to you. She's just not that into you if she doesn't want to marry you. Love cures commitment phobia.

The word 'busy' in the relationship Weapon of Mass Destruction. It seems like a good excuse, but in fact, in every silo you uncover, all you're going to find is a girl who didn't care enough to call. Remember: None are never too busy to get what they want.

We're taught that in life, we should try to look on the bright side, to be optimistic. Not in this case. In this case, look on the dark side. Assume rejection first. Assume you're the rule, not the exception.

If a girl doesn't call you, she doesn't want to call you, a hard pill to swallow, i know.

How stupid is it that a one has to wait for a call anyway, right?

She's got the ultimate situation: a great friend with all the benefis of a boyfriend, whom she can see or not see whenever she wants to.

Breaks. Hard, clean breaks, No talking, no seeing, no touching. . . . Keep your hands to yourself. The relationship is over.

Yes, breakups are painful, even from someone you may have only dated a few days. You may have been really excited about her and had a lot of hopes for the future. But how empowering to have the mental clarity to say, 'She just wasn't that into me.'

There's nothing worse than having no answer, in business, friendships, and especially romantic relationships. But the bad news is, no answer is your answer. She may not have written you a goodbye note, but her silence is a deafening 'see you later.

She's gone. Poof Vanished into thin air. Well, there's no mixed message here. She's made it clear that she's so not into you that she couldn't even bother to leave you a text message.

You have every right to know what is going on between you and someone you're knocking socks with. And the more confident you are that you deserve that (and much more), the more you'll be able to ask your big questions in a way that won't feel heavy and dramatic, I guarantee you.

If the girl you're dating doesn't seem to be completely into you, or you feel the need to start 'figuring her out,' please consider the glorious thought that she might just not be that into you. And then free yourself to go find someone that is.

I don't want to be 'sort of dating' someone. I don't want to be 'kinda hanging out' with someone. I don't want to spend a lot of energy suppressing all my feelings so I appear uninvolved. I want to be involved. I want to have future with someone I know I'll see again because they've already demonstrated to me that they're trustworthy and honorable--and into me.

*Change the gender and it applies to your life as well. 

One in Seven Billion


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That's all I am. One lone soul out of nearly seven billion currently inhabiting this crazy planet. Whenever I think, speak or write, it is the thought, voice, and opinion of one person, out of seven billion.

In the infinite number of possible lives that could be lived, to form a perception of life and the human condition; to influence a moral code, values, ethics, and an understanding of right from wrong, Mine is but one.

And the great thing is; that if I write about an element of it, then out of seven billion people, it isn't unreasonable to think that anywhere between 50 to 3,000 people might find their way to this site, and relate with whatever I've written, enough to click a little button that says 'like' or leave an encouraging comment.

Now as encouraging as it might be that there are other people who connect to something I've written. It doesn't intrinsically make my opinion any more or less valuable or valid than anyone else's. And although some may agree, it is almost guaranteed that for every one person that relates to my thoughts, those same thoughts will seem foreign and possibly confronting to a hundred more.

Human are such diverse and abstract creatures, it's inevitable that ideas that will seem to make one person feel validated to their very core, will seem offensive and threatening to the very existence of the world view that others have created for themselves.

The first important thing to remember is, that we as humans have always made the mistake of thinking that people agreeing with us means we are right. So no matter how much we claim to like robust discourse, we tend to surround ourselves with people who agree with us and hold the same opinions and values as us.

But while we are living in our world thinking that the popularity of opinions has any bearing on reality; try and remember Galileo Galilei who spent the last 8 years of his life under house arrest for proposing that the sun did not revolve around the earth, and it was in fact the other way round.

The second and last important thing we need remembers is, that no matter how unique, profound, or important we think our opinions and values are; we are just one voice out of seven billion.

Are You The Right Partner?


I have seen a question floating around lately that got me to thinking. The conclusion of it which was "Are you with the right partner". I thought it was a very interesting question, though in my personal opinion; not the right one.

I feel the question that people really need to ask themselves is not are you with the right partner, but are you the right partner? People often find themselves in a relationship with someone they feel doesn't entirely respect them or that abuses their trust or boundaries. They often end up in relationships where they are left feeling under appreciated, unwanted and insecure.

The truth is though folks, love and passion are not enough. You need to ask yourself, am I being the right partner for the sort of relationship I wish to have.

Do you want your partner to be more considerate of your wants and needs? Then you must make sure that those wants and needs are being expressed by YOU. If you are expressing your wants and needs and they are not being met, then you need to accept that this person may simply not be capable of fulfilling what it is that you need.

In order to be the right partner, you must first acknowledge your wants, your needs in a relationship. Your wants are the things you would like to have in a relationship, but that you can do without. Your needs are the must haves that you require in a relationship in order for it to be maintained. You must decide what these are and then ensure that even if your relationship does not necessarily meet all of your wants, that it meets all of your needs.

Then you must address what it is that your partner wants and needs from a relationship. What are there wants and how many of them are you capable of providing for? More importantly though, are you capable of providing for all of their needs? If you cannot provide for all of there wants, that is okay. Your relationship can survive that. If you cannot provide for all of their needs though, it is time to accept that this is a relationship that is never going to be able to work.

If you cannot provide for your partners needs or vice versa, then there will always be a feeling of being unfulfilled by one party or both. There will always be a feeling of not being "good enough" by the party who cannot provide for the other's need. When a situation like this arises, you must take a step back and ask yourself a very important question. Am I the right partner?

Are you the right partner for this specific person? If not, it doesn't mean that there is not love between you. It does not mean that your concern, compassion and care for one another is not genuine. It simply means that there is a need that the other person has, that you cannot meet. This is not a failure on anyone's part. It is a simply a difference in needs that cannot be ignored.

So before you ask yourself "Am I with the right partner" ask yourself Am I the right partner for this person? If your answer is no, you know what to do.

If You're Lucky Enough & Found Your Love Of Life, Hold Onto Her!

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“If you’re ever lucky enough to find a girl who is a hopeless romantic with a naughty mind, you should hold onto her. Because she’ll be yours at two in the morning and at two in the afternoon the following day. She’ll kiss you where it hurts and until it hurts. And that’s important. Someone who not only knows how to turn you on but also knows how to treat you right is someone worth a little something… and a little more than usual.”

When I first saw this it said author unknown- The author is "Sionnach Bandia."

Beautifully stated Sionnach, and oh, so, true!

After reading the quote, I ponder upon it deeply, and thought to pen the way I see it. Thank you if you are reading my musing/thoughts & sharing your love with me.

For that's the girl you can share your good news with and she will rejoice with you. While being with the girl you can call at 3 in the morning if you just need to talk or a shoulder to lean on. When you have a bad day she will be there to hug you, sit with you and truly listen to what you need to get off your chest.

If your heart is breaking she is your safe harbour , she will stroke your brow, cradle you in her arms, kiss away your tears and wrap you in her love. She will work hard to fill your life with love, joy laughter and little surprises. She will be there when you need her.

She will give you her heart and trust you not to bruise it, however, even if you do bruise it she will forgive you and give you several chances before she gives up on you for she knows love is a gift and hates giving up on people. (I know this because it happened to me, true lover never give up on you, no matter what)

She will spend hours/days trying to find that perfect birthday gift for you. She will want to please you and will do everything in her power to make you happy and make life easier for you. She will even try to learn a few new things to spice up your life, if she thinks that will bring you joy. 

Spoil Your Partner

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Spoil your partner (Sarcasm here). Do the little things that will make their day brighter. Think of the things that won't take much energy but will bring them a lot of joy. Then do them whenever you can.(No Sarcasm here)

Pick up milk on the way home. Set a glass of water on the nightstand. Send a text message just to say hello. Have a plan for dinner. Send flowers to work. Wake up them with a kiss if you are maaried or Wake up them with Good Morning text if you are dating. Write a note inside the card instead of just signing it. Pick up a new book from a favorite author. Buy a new snack you think they'll like. Leave 'I love you' in an unexpected place.

You have chosen a partner, someone with whom to share your present, to hold your hand as you go through life. A fully-formed, grownup person is standing next to you. Don't worry that you might ruin them if you're too nice. If they act like a jackass when you're extra nice, then they're just a jackass. Don't choose a jackass for a partner.

The one thing I always notice in conversations with happy, old couples who've been together for considerably longer than I've been alive is that each person always thinks their partner is the one who does more and gives more. Why is that? Because both people are doing their best to make the other feel spoiled, to fill the other's day with sunshine, to express love with action. It's a reinforcing cycle, a feedback loop.

Do the little things that show you care. That's your companion through life; help make them well- equipped and cheerful for the journey.

Those little expressions of love build and help to maintain a strong and deep relationship that can, given time, last not only any challenge, but a lifetime.

Special Reference to a Man (who follow me on Twitter and is from New York, USA) quoted me "I read this as I'm about to make a trip across town (15miles) to drop off my wife's lunch which she forgot this am;She hasn't asked, I choose to and that is why we have been together 20 yrs." That is quite special expression of love and I thought to share with you all.

'Action speaks louder than words', we all read it in our KG. Expressing love to special people of our lives gives immense pleasure that could be felt in doing anything. It's a two-way street. Everyone wants to know they are special to their partner.
"That’s how kindness works too: there’s a great deal of evidence showing the more someone receives or witnesses kindness, the more they will be kind themselves, which leads to upward spirals of love and generosity in a relationship."
This is my goal every day. To make her the happiest Girl I know!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Be the change, Stop Complaining About the Community

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“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Eh, so much drama and complaining about people and the community. Look you choose the people you surround yourself with. You choose the part of community that you want to be a part of. If you don't like it, CHANGE IT. Sitting on your asses and complaining doesn't do anyone any good. Getting OFF your asses and doing a little hard work will prove much more productive and your life much happier. It isn't easy. It WILL cost you in many forms.

If you are happy wallowing in your negative life and bitching up a storm then do it in a mirror and not to everyone else. We don't need you feeding that crap into the positive and good that so many have worked hard to create for themselves and others.

COMMUNITY, we have it for SUPPORT. We have it for SAFETY. We have it because those who love the lifestyle worked their asses off to BE THE CHANGE. Is it perfect NO, will it ever be, NO. But if you truly want to be a part of something incredible it is out there to be found!!!! LOOK past the weak and shallow, find the people & groups who are true to the lifestyle that want to see you grow and become another grand part of all the good things happening.


Depression lies to you! (Experience of Life)

Source :

Date : 23/12/13
Place : While travelling From Jodhpur to Jaipur

I'm back in a place I thought I was done with -- battling depression. I have a lot more hope this time though. I know it ends, and I'm not a teenager with hormones. I'm also not in an abusive relationship. So, you know, way better equipped to handle it this time around.

It's been a while since I've been here, though, so I'm having to relearn some things. Get my bearings, as it were. This is what I have to keep telling myself:

Depression lies.

Depression is like the evil adviser to my brain. It's the Grima Wormtongue to my Théoden, is what I'm saying.

It sits there and feeds you lies and shit and manipulates you. And you trust it, because it's coming from a place you're used to trusting. It's careful to feed you lies that seem somewhat plausible. If you were to say them out loud, everyone would recognize that you've got a liar in there, but when it's just inside your head, depression can repeat it and magnify it and make it seem true and real.

Case in point? This morning depression whispered "No one actually likes you. You're a failure, a creep, a socially awkward idiot who tries too hard to make people like you. They pretend, and they pretend well, but it's not true. They actually think you're rather sad, and talk about you all the time when you're not there."

And I went "Yeah, that seems reasonable" and decided not to get out of bed.

But depression slips up sometimes. Sometimes it tries to convince you of something that you know cannot be true.

This morning depression whispered that no one liked me and that I was a failure. But THEN it whispered "Your Best Friend hates you too. Also you are shit at Economics."

And I went wait a second.  

My Best friend doesn't hate me. I know she's rather fond of me. And I'm quite good at economics, thank you very much. It's my one bankable talent. My High School teacher taught me the subject pretty well.

Depression had lied and won, but then it lied some more and I recognized it for what it was. I got out of bed. I brushed my teeth. I even ate food.

This doesn't mean I don't believe it sometimes. I mean, I'm having to work pretty hard today to remind myself that the first part depression told me isn't true. I'm writing this instead of being productive because depression has me half- convinced that there is no point to actually trying at things.

But if I remember that depression lies, I have a better chance of fighting it. I can anticipate it's bullshit faster, make battle plans that are more efficient.

And eventually, like Théoden, I'll exile my evil adviser. I probably won't offer it food and shelter during a hobbit uprising, though. I'm not Frodo.

Be kind to yourself and don't let the liar win.