Sunday, August 31, 2014

Love So True (Poetry)

After we will die, I will meet you again in the sky.

Hello my old friend,
Lets rewind our love so true.
The moments we shared in the past,
A never changing view.

Days go by months, turn into years,
I am living with constant sorrow and overwhelming fears.
Suffocation starts as the air gets heavy,
Crying and in constant sorrow screaming "I want my baby!"

But you're no where to be found,
Then your whatsapp shows online and my world slows down.
When we touch I have emotions and feelings unexpressed,
Making me happy making my obstacles in life rest.

These last few years have captivated my life,
Growing old with you and thinking about you as my wife.
I have now found my reason for living and a love come true,
Knowing that nothing in this world will ever rank above you.

I look to the night sky at the stars and moon,
Hoping you see the beauty I see and we will gaze together soon.
Wishing you were here to caress and to hold,
Hoping to make your every wish and dream unfold.

I am guaranteeing you total allegiance and fidelity,
Along with forever warm and embracing arms of security.
We make magic and passion of romance with ease,
I am saying it over and again baby please please please.

Give me a life of happiness and loyalty,
Grow old and make a family with me.
Giving them the tools to happiness like ours,
While keeping our love so it never sours.

I'm never going to pick up the pieces again,
I'll be lost and won't know where to begin.
Don't ever leave me girl,
I need you in this world.

I get your name inked on my hand and it ain't a sin,
Thinking of you, I get anxious and my head starts to spin.
Waiting to talk to you on the other line,
Hearing your voice and hoping to find.

That you're peaceful and supportive,
And later on in life my goal is for you to be rewarded.
I will be yours for all eternity,
I'll be your powerful Prince of Divinity.

I wanna take time out to tell you.
I appreciate you loving me the way that you do.
Baby I wanted to say thank you,
For A Everlasting Love Come True.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Secret Sorrows - He Taught Us A Truth

Credits :

People die of depression all the time. We don’t call it what it is, we call it suicide, but what it really is the terminal stage of depression. Now, not everyone with depression gets to this stage. But for a lot of people who are long term depressives, there’s always that fear.

Then someone SO big, and famous, and FUNNY goes and dies this way. It’s very scary. People don’t understand at ALL. “He had everything! Wealth, fame, the love of family and friends and the admiration of millions of fans! WHY?”

Well, I don’t know about him, but I know about me. I don’t have the wealth and fame, but I’m considered to be kind of funny by people who know me. I don’t look or act depressed. I smile a lot, laugh, and so on. But still there have been times in my life where I have had that passing thought: everyone would be better off if I was gone, and then I’d no longer be a bother to them. Maybe he heard something like that. It can be a very compelling thought, believe it or not.

The love I have for my closed ones has kept me from listening, has allowed me to know that idea is a lie. But when something so glaringly public happens, it reminds me and it scares the hell out of me. I work SO HARD to try to do everything I can to keep level. Most of the time, I’m just fine, I’m really well controlled.

I’ll draw a parallel here. When someone has diabetes, they can do everything right, take their medicine, eat right and exercise, and do all the things that are supposed to keep their condition under control. Then one day, they have a serious blood sugar spike or severe attack of hypoglycemia. That is what THIS is like.

You can have these “small” relapses, a few weeks out of years of good control. But for someone with depression, these relapses can be fatal. So any time one happens, it can be very frightening. Admitting it to anyone is even worrisome, because depression is so misunderstood.

If you know someone with depression, they may be quite upset by the death of Robin Williams. If you love that person, reach out to them, and if they are afraid, comfort them. You don’t have to understand, just be present.

P.S. If you're reading this, reach out to people you know who are in this stage of depression.  If we are not ashamed to have heart disease, why should mental illness still carry a stigma here in the 21st century? It discourages people from seeking appropriate treatment.

And if you're one like me, let me tell you brother, the people around you will never be the same if you're gone from this world. Suicide is a permanent solution to a usually temporary problem.

It just occurred to me that out of all the comedians Robin is the one I most relate to. I look at his comedy and his acting as two different things that he did but each come from the same place. God bless him for fighting as long as he did and giving us so much of himself over the years.

Battling depression can easily go unnoticed sometimes and we end up failing the people who need us the most by abandoning them at their time of need.

The only problem with depression is the only people who understand it are the ones who HAVE it. We support society, we need to support people.

For all of you reading this who have depression - you are NOT ALONE. Just reach out and one of the many of us here will make a connection with you. Live second by second, minute by minute if you have to. Big hugs to you.

"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone." - Robin Williams

Rest in Power Robin Williams