Sunday, July 3, 2016

Why Do We Hold On When We Should Let Go?

Why do we hold on to things when we should let go? 
Why do we shoulder the burden ourselves rather than share it. 
Why do we keep the way we feel to ourselves? 
Why is it so hard to say, "I'm not okay." or "That really hurt." 
Why is it so easy to give in when you know you're going to get hurt?

Why is it so hard to be truly naked with our feelings? 
Why can't we be brave, vulnerable, bear our naked souls, to the few people in our lives who deserve it?

We're insecure. 
Every one of us. 
That's why. 
Even when we won't admit it. 
Even when it's painfully obvious. 
If we're completely naked, all our cards on the table, we may be too much; too intense, too extreme and you may get left. 
No one wants to be alone. 
No one wants to lose the good.

So we sacrifice ourselves. 
We cover our wounds. 
We cover our scars. 
We cover our hurt with delusions of "Yea, I'm fine."

The fear of being alone is greater than admitting you're human, so we go on telling the world we're okay and we let it fester until resentment unfolds.

Be brave. 
Be bold. 
Admit you're human.

The result may surprise you.

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